Defining My Essence

1/12 Days Of Blogmas: The Christmas Tag

1/12 Days Of Blogmas: The Christmas Tag

Published December 13, 2022
Author: Claudie P

Hey everyone! It’s the first day of my 12 Days of Blogmas and to start it off I wanted to do a Christmas tag. I honestly was afraid of doing this post because I hate opening up about how bad my Christmas was but I have to get over that fear of letting people in. So here’s my Christmas Tag

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1/12 Days Of Blogmas: The Christmas Tag

What’s Your Favorite Christmas Movie?

My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. It’s such a classic, funny movie to watch. Home Alone makes me laugh so much. I just love it.

Have You Ever Had A White Christmas?

No I haven’t. I live in Florida so it doesn’t snow here. To be honest I don’t think I want to experience a white Christmas. It’s cool to see on TV but I don’t like the cold so I don’t think I would like snow.

Where Do You Usually Spend Your Holiday?

I usually spend the holiday at home with my family, but really I’m mostly in my room. To escape some of the insanity that goes on.

What Is Your Favorite Christmas Song?

I mean all I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey is a classic. So I’m an online reading tutor and sometimes I play quiz games with my students. We played a holiday trivia game. I’m disappointed to say these kids do not know who Mariah Carey is and it’s a shame.

Do You Open Any Presents On Christmas Eve?

No, I don’t. I would open it on Christmas day if I got any presents that year to be honest

Can You Name All Of Santa's Raindeer

I don’t think I can name them all but I will try. Prancer, Dancer, Comet, Vixen, and Rudolf are all I know. I know that there is a song that names them all but I really can’t remember

What Holiday Traditions Are You Looking Forward To This Year?

So what I was looking forward to this year was the gift exchange My sisters and I did. For years our parents didn’t really get us anything so we decided to change that. Unfortunately my older and younger sister do not talk anymore and it kinda messed that up. I will still get gifts for my sisters but I don’t know if they will give presents to each other.

Is Your Christmas Tree Real Or Fake?

I’ve never had a real Christmas tree. I usually get the Christmas tree that is prelit. It makes it so much easier. Last year I got myself a mini Christmas tree and decorated it for under $25 and if you want to read the guest post I wrote for Glocoa here it is.

What Is Your Favorite Holiday Treat/Food/Sweet?

I think my favorite holiday sweet is Haitian hot chocolate. It’s so good, I haven’t had it in a while because I’ve become lactose intolerant but I need to make it with almond milk.

Be Honest, Do You Like Giving Or Receiving Gifts Better?

I honestly don’t know. I spent a lot of Christmases without presents, which would make you think I would want to receive gifts and I kinda do. But at the same time because I didn’t really get gifts I’m bad at planning gifts for people.

What Is The Best Christmas Present You Ever Received?

So even though I said I went a lot of Christmases without gifts there was one that made up for it. One year my mom’s employer got my sister’s and I some presents. We got a Wii gaming system as a family present. My older sister got a PSP, I got an IPod and my younger sister got a Keyboard. The Christmas before that was bad and so were the Christmases after. But that was a good year.

What Is Your Dream Place To Visit For The Holiday Season?

Oh that’s a hard one. Like I said I don’t really want to see snow like that, but I think it would be cool to visit Paris during the winter.

Are You A Pro Present Wrapper Or Do You Fail Miserably?

I think I’m pretty good at wrapping presents. It’s like an arts and crafts project for me.

Most Memorable Christmas Memory?

I think the most memorable is the one good Christmas I mentioned before because we got amazing gifts. But I think the most meaningful was when my sisters and I decided to reclaim our Christmases

What Made You Realize The Truth About Santa?

I think I learned early on. Like I said I didn’t get many gifts to even have an illusion to believe in Santa. 

What Makes The Holidays Special For You?

Even though I’ve had a lot of bad Christmases, what makes the holidays special is the idea of the Christmas spirit and trying to make the best of it. I try to do things with my sisters and my friends. This is the second year my friend and I are sending each other holiday care packages. So I’m always trying to make new and special memories.

Thanks For Reading

I hope you have enjoyed my Christmas Tag and getting to know a little bit more about me. I actually got this idea from my blogger friend Deandra at The Black Princess Diaries.  It’s a great read so you should definitely check her out. If you decide to do the tag yourself let me know in the comments!

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